[Geography] Futures thinking - irrigation, water management

Ann.Fagan at dpi.vic.gov.au Ann.Fagan at dpi.vic.gov.au
Tue Oct 30 15:19:20 EST 2007

Hello All,
I am currently working on a curriculum project for the Irrigation Futures 
CRC (Co-operative Research Centre). It is based on an Irrigation Futures 
project undertaken 2003-07 in Goulburn Broken Catchment, using scenario 
planning to explore the future of irrigated agriculture in northern 
The work is very relevant for Unit 3 Geog but also useful for Level 6 
Geog, Science, Thinking Processes, Civics and Citizenship. 

I am keen to know of any glaring gaps in resources currently available for 
VCE Geog Unit 3, especially relating to water management for irrigation, 
any issues that you would like to see addressed, any suggestions.   I 
cannot promise to act on all but if appropriate and possible I will 
endeavour to follow up. 

The Irrigation Futures work is linked to and supports the fieldtrip "Lower 
Goulburn Broken Catchment - a case study for Murray Darling Basin" so we 
hope that the whole resource will be a very useful package for VCE Geog 
teachers and students.  There is a PD for the fieldtrip  on Dec 6-7. If 
you are interested the registration form is available on the LandLearn 
website at www.landlearn.net.au    Registrations close on Friday Nov 2. 


Ann Fagan
LandLearn / Irrigation Futures Curriculum Project 

DPI Private Bag 1 
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