[English] FW: What would I spend $$$ on in schools?

Cleary, Monica M cleary.monica.m at edumail.vic.gov.au
Tue Feb 24 12:25:13 EST 2009



From: Cleary, Monica M
Sent: Sun 22/02/2009 12:59 PM
To: stephen at melbpc.org.au
Subject: What would I spend $$$ on in schools?

I often wish for interactive whiteboard or similar facility in every classroom. I regularly, as do we all, have to suspend a collaborative activity in class where we might be compiling a sample to model a piece of writing on. This means that next class I have to rewrite the beginning of the piece again, otherwise it is too difficult to pick up where we left off, for me as well as the class.

Moving on to things that seem merely fantasy list items at present, a digital projector to hook up to laptop would open up possibilities I haven't even thought of at present. Where I work, my faculty resources are a long trek from where I teach, and I teach in nine different rooms. This makes having a range of stimulus material/resources at hand very difficult. We are, however, expected to have our laptops with us in every class, so having more flexibility in the ways we use them and more on board resources would mean that we could overcome the problems of not having hard copy items with us.

As hinted at in the latter suggestion, I don't even know what I would like, because of the lack of facilities at present. Perhaps another wish list item could be that the list can be added to after a period of experiencing new technology. I won't know till I have these basic functional problems sorted out!

Thanks for offering to compile this list,


Monica Cleary

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