[English] 'The Digital Education Revolution'

stephen at melbpc.org.au stephen at melbpc.org.au
Thu May 15 01:08:24 EST 2008

The Hon Julia Gillard MP

Minister for Education. Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations
Minister for Social Inclusion. Deputy Prime Minister
13 May, 2008
Media Release

The Digital Education Revolution

The 2008-09 Budget ensures the Rudd Government’s Digital Education 
Revolution is secured into the future with an additional $200 million to 
be delivered in 2011-12. 

This additional funding means that $1.2 billion will be spent on Digital 
Education over the next five years.

The Government is delivering on its election commitment to provide Year 9-
12 students with access to world class information and communication 
technology (ICT).

As promised, round one of the National Secondary School Computer Fund will 
deliver $100 million in funding to schools most in need of new computers 
by June 2008. 

The second round of applications will open in July 2008.

As part of the $1.2 billion investment:

This Budget delivers the Government’s $100 million commitment to support 
the deployment of fibre connections to Australian schools, delivering 
broadband speeds of up to 100 megabits per second. 

The Rudd Government will provide $32.6 million over two years to supply 
students and teachers across Australia with online curriculum tools and 
resources for the classrooms of the 21st century. 

Assistance will also be available to schools to make the best use of ICT 
with the development of support mechanisms, with funding of $10 million 
over three years. 

Through the Council of Australian Governments (COAG), the Government will 
continue to work in close partnership with state and territory governments 
and non-government education systems to jointly implement the Digital 
Education Revolution.

Media Contact: 
media at deewr.gov.au 
Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations: DEEWR 
Media (02)6240 7300 

Cheers Evan :)
Stephen Loosley
Member, Victorian
Institute of Teaching

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