[English] Internal Reportingof Unit 3

Rilen, Sophie L rilen.sophie.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri Jun 13 09:19:43 EST 2008

Dear Max,
We do provide an internal report for Unit 3.  We report 'S' and 'N' results and an estimated grade for coursework, based on an average of their SAC scores. We don't formally assess coursework, but I give the kids a mark out of 10 to give them an idea of progress, as well, of course, lots of comments; this doesn't appear on reports.  We give students a numerical score and convert this to a grade for their SACs, but this doesn't appear on reports either.
Hope this is of some help.
Cheers Sophie
Senior English teacher
Seymour Technical High School


From: english-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Max Duthie
Sent: Thu 12/06/2008 9:39 PM
To: VCE English Teachers' Mailing List
Subject: [English] Internal Reportingof Unit 3

Hi Folks,

I have some queries relating to internal reporting of Uni t3 subjects.

We are currently reviewing our rpeorting system and thi si one of the
questions that we are looking at.

I'd like to know :

1. Do you provide an internal report on Unit 3.
2. If you do , do you report only 'S' and 'N' or do you provide a
grade for each of the outcomes.
3. if yes to 2, how do you arrive at the grade.
4. If yes to 2 , do you include SAC results as well as coursework.
5. Do you assess coursework or just comment on student's progress.
6. Do you provide students with the numerical results of their SACs

Weighty questions I know in th emiddle of exam time, but I reason that
theses matters would be uppermost in your mind just now.

I'll appreciate any and all answers.

Max Duthie
Senior Studies Coordinator
Ballarat Christian College

                          mailto:mduthie at ncable.net.au

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