[English] RE: english Digest, Vol 27, Issue 13

Kathy Skidmore skidmore.kathy.l at edumail.vic.gov.au
Fri Aug 15 08:22:24 EST 2008

We do ³Destroying Avalon² with a Year 10 Peer Education class ­ we use it to
discuss cyber bullying and friendship issues. They love it, we love the
discussion it elicits and the kids tell other kids they HAVE to read it. The
inappropriate language is entirely in context and contributes to the text.

On 14/08/08 7:27 PM, "Julie Squires" <bookjewel6 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I suggested 'Destroying Avalon' to our Year 11 English teachers and it was
> accepted without anyone else reading it.  Some of the language was deemed
> 'inappropriate' and it won't be on the booklist next year.  However, the
> students loved it and many asked for similar titles for their own reading.
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 9:51 AM, Ross, Simon D
> <ross.simon.d at edumail.vic.gov.au> wrote:
>> Thanks Lyle. We are scratching around to come up with a text for Year 11
>> English. I'm staggered that people can reject 'The Reader' having never read
>> it. Also, considering two of the other texts on our Year 11 course, it is
>> incomprehensible that we not even consider 'The Reader'. The adult content of
>> those scenes is a consideration, but when you acknowledge all of the
>> positives about the book, it should not be an obstacle. Thanks for your
>> reply. I've put on my flak-jacket, loaded my semi-automatic and grabbed my
>> copy of 'The Reader' off my desk. Back to the battle!
>> Simon Ross
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