[English] Help, It's Issues Time !!

Max Duthie mduthie at ncable.net.au
Wed Apr 2 18:03:28 EST 2008

It's me again !

Thanks for the suggestions thus far. The P-Plate rule may be a good
one as most of our kids are on Learner's Permits and may go for full
licences this year.

Climate change and the apology , while they offer good material are
almost too complex (and i must admit that my own views may prevent me
form being totally fair in assessing student responses !!! )

On another topic, is there a similar list to this one for Literature.
i have had to reinvent myself this year (again!! ) and take on a Year
11 Lit class. I am looking for what people do in the way of mid-year
examinations, as well as a suitable film text for AOS3.  Can anyone
out there help or point me in the right direction, please?

Max Duthie
Ballarat Christian College

mail to mduthie at ncable.net.au

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