[English] RE: new English course

brennanhayes brennanhayes at netspace.net.au
Thu Jan 18 12:09:52 EST 2007

I've attached a copy of the  full version of the Mark Lopez article Prue
referred to. A cut and paste version of it appeared in The Oz. On the one
hand a cause of much merriment - Bruce Dawe was amused -  on the other a
worry since Lopez was one of the academics invited to the History summit by
Julie Bishop.

Terry Hayes  

On 18/1/07 11:06 AM, "gillpm at mlc.vic.edu.au" <gillpm at mlc.vic.edu.au> wrote:

> Oh dear, I should have written hear hear! I just reread my own message. Did
> you read the article in the Australian by Mark Lopez on Tues about left wing
> bias in Victorian english curriculum. It's an interesting one to do with
> students. My goodness, it's raining.
> Prue
> ________________________________
> From: english-bounces at edulists.com.au on behalf of Reynolds, Gail G
> Sent: Thu 18/01/2007 10:58 AM
> To: VCE English Teachers' Mailing List
> Subject: RE: new English course
> Does anyone out there know when we will have access to the sample Year 12
> English paper for 2008? Whilst I don't want the Y12 paper to drive what we are
> doing in Year 11, a bit more direction would be welcome, VCE is meant to be a
> two year program!
>  (It does strike me as odd -- to say the very least -- that the Study Design
> and assessment processes should be seen as two separate entities when, from my
> viewpoint, good teaching demands that a course should be designed knowing what
> you are teaching, why you are teaching it AND how you will assess it, in one
> integrated process!)
> I'd also be interested to hear about the processes others are implementing and
> the kinds of decisions you are making to structure the new course.
> Gail
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