[English] The UN wants your opinion

Stephen Loosley stephen at melbpc.org.au
Sat Dec 15 01:40:20 EST 2007

Hi all,

The United Nations Cyberschoolbus:  http://cyberschoolbus.un.org/

"The United Nations Cyberschoolbus is a website about global issues and the 
UN, for students ages 5-18 and their teachers."

Eg: Curriculum Materials: Today, December 15th, 2007

Peace Education
Briefing Papers
Schools De-mining Schools
Human Rights
Cities of the World
World Hunger
Indigenous People
Rights at Work
Ethnic Discrimination
Racial Discrimination

----- Original Message ----- 

From: DPIEvaluation dpievaluation at un.org
Sent: Thursday, December 13, 2007 3:21 AM
Subject: UN Cyberschoolbus Users Survey

Dear Teacher:

The Global Teaching and Learning Project of the Educational Outreach
Section in the UN's Department of Public Information (DPI) is seeking
feedback from users of its website, UN Cyberschoolbus, in order to make it
more relevant to the needs of teachers and students. DPI's Evaluation Unit
would appreciate your completing the following survey questionnaire:


Please submit your survey by Friday 28 December 2007.

All responses will be kept strictly confidential and will be reported in
aggregate form.

Thank you very much.

Evaluation and Communications Research Unit
Department of Public Information
United Nations

Please contact DPIEvaluation at un.org if you have any questions about this

Cheers people
Stephen Loosley
Victoria Australia 

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